I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I've had a pricing glitch on my calendar since August, and despite opening more than 6 tickets by calling Tech Support, and submitting trouble tickets online, AND even writing personally to the Corporate Officers, my issue is still NOT fixed and again today they closed my ticket out.
I DO NOT have on SmartPricing, but at least once a day the prices change on my calendar, doubling and even tripling sometimes. I have to manually go in and change all the prices for a year. I even set my calendar to only go out 6 months, but more than a year of calendars still is showing.
Tech Support escalates the ticket, I shut off my listing for 2 days (and lose possible bookings) so they can work on it, I have submitted before/after calendar screenshots so they can see it change, they monitor it and they've also seen it change, but nothing ever gets fixed.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so, did it get resolved? I have checked and double checked all the listing details, as well as Tech Support, has checked them.
Very frustrating as I am losing bookings because my prices are more than double what they should be.
Does anyone have any contacts for IT/Tech Support in San Francisco? Tech Support in the Philippines is USELESS!!!!
Hello @Laura-And-Mike0 ,
Sorry to read about your technical problem and the way CS is handling it.
There are several ways to contact Airbnb:
Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]
Maybe create a new listing from scratch can solve the problem ?
Luckily you still have bookings, i noticed many reviews !
best regards,
Thanks Emiel, I have contacted them via phone 8X, submitted 3 trouble tickets, wrote to corporate in San Francisco. All useless. I can recreate a new listing, but I'll lose all my ratings and reviews which I've worked hard for an entire year to get....Thanks for your suggestions, appreciate the reply.
Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the same issue and Helpdesk is clueless, no sense of urgency and say it is escalated and no one follows up. Keep saying it is a settings problem and not technical issue.
I had this ongoing issue for four months and they never resolved it. I wrote letters to corporate officers in San Francisco, online emails, and I probably called the help desk 15+ times. It's a technical glitch in their software - if you turn on Smart Pricing, then turn it off, sometimes it stays on. The prices on my calender changed 2-3X a day and the prices doubled and trippled and I was losing bookings. I sent them screen shots, turned off the listing for 2-3 days will they worked on it and still they could not resolve it.
Then magically one day it quit doing it!
--Call the help desk: and ask them to 'clear' your calendar. Not all the tech's know how to do this, so ask to escalate your case to someone who knows how. It just clears out the pricing on the open days -- booked days are not affected.
--Then reset the prices -- make them all the same for the entire year. Including weekends.
--LEAVE the calendar alone for 2-3 days.
--Then go in and make NO MORE than 10 changes per day. The one tech told me when you make more than 20 changes to a calendar at a time it causes some weird software glitch and it goes into permanent Smart Pricing mode.
This is the only thing that worked and, knock on wood, my calendar has been okay for a month now. I try not to change the prices too much. Before I would go in and tweek the pricing daily.
Writing and emailing Corporate does NO GOOD at all, no one ever answered my plea's for urgent assistance. Very disappointing!
Keep calling the help desk, as they have to document your trouble tickets - ask that your case be escalated. They get annoyed and eventually you will get a tech that is willing to REALLY help you. The others just use a script for basic glitches. This is a major software glitch and I saw online lots of people were having the same problem.
Make sure Smart Pricing is OFF - this is a useless piece of software and is the cause of the glitch.
Hope the info is helpful.
Thank you so much! That sounds exactly like my problem. Their support is terrible and say they escalate and never hear back...keep calling and they keep telling me it is my settings or I have discount applied. Very frustrating. I have changed the pricing back every morning now for 2 weeks. Will try your suggestions.
We are getting the same issue now in July 2019.
The system is decreasing some of our prices to $60 a night when we average $220 a night.
It's not a blanket $60 a night either. Prices range massively between $60 and $250 a night despite me constantly changing them all back to $220 per night.
I've dealt with 5+ level 1 support agents and they all go through the same script to troubleshoot it, then basically accuse me of making errors. They said they escalated to tech, but I have not heard back for over a week.
I'll try what was suggested above and report back.
When I looked at your listing, according to Airbnb it was a "rare find" as you’re usually fully booked, There was one host on here that waxes lyrical about Airbnb's support and how efficient it is!, he's also fully booked out for years with a nightly price of $500 per night, is that a clue do you think? could it be that Airbnb thinks you’re more trouble than your worth?
I hope you do not believe in Airbnb's propaganda about community if you have been on the CC for as long a I have, it all about money and guests’ expectations, Hosts come way down the list of priorities.
interesting @Laura-And-Mike0 @Cormac0 @Kailey4 @Julie1251 @Emiel1
@Brian , CEO of @Airbnb is there a reasonable excuse that your Customer Services Teams efforts when ABB consumers ask for IT issues to escalate to get addressed that they keep going around & around in circles unresolved?
Wouldn't it be more conducive to good working relationships & betterment of business for all if TECH issues are managed more efficiently for ALL parties benefits?
One can send Screenshots of where Glitches are arising but do Customer Services personal understand how to read & see where the broken pieces are in yours & the next Server provider systems?
It's an area where basic education in TECH channels & roadwork's needs addressing.
There's staff in Customer Services who may not be aware of just how many Servers data travels through to get to an end destination...and it can at times be those 3rd party Servers providers that need contacting by ABB to get to the root of the problems.
Thanks in advance