Can't add co-host

Level 1
East London, South Africa

Can't add co-host

Why can't I add a co host

12 Replies 12
Level 1
Cumberland, MD

I'm currently experiencing the same problem. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

it's a system error @Shirley254 @Sharon705 

it's been this way for about 10 days now, and Airbnb customer services are not being very helpful with getting it fixed!

Level 1
East London, South Africa

How do you contact Airbnb about issues like this, there is no helpline for this type of query

I am having the same problem, for months now! Sent a lot time on the phone and nothing! If you find out please inform, thanks

Level 1
East London, South Africa

Hi, I have managed to do it on the app on my phone. Is it maybe to do with security settings on my laptop. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Sharon705  did you manage to add your co-host on the app?! and it worked?

@Sharon705 - If you managed to successfully add a co-host via your phone, that’s amazing! I’ve tried on my phone app and it hasn’t worked there (same as my laptop). @Paul1255, are you still in the same boat as me?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Yup same as you @Alece0  :(((((

Level 4
Nashville, TN

Such a frustrating system issue!!


Here’s another community discussion about the same thing:

Level 3
Telluride, CO

me too - 11 days now

Level 2
Seattle, WA

I have the same problem on my phone and laptop (25 apr 2019)


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Bill390 what happens when you enter the email address of the person you're trying to add as a co-host?