Can't add payout method

Level 1
Hove, United Kingdom

Can't add payout method


I am trying to add a new payment method, but when scrolling through the wizard I get stuck at "Please complete the additional verification step." But I am already a Superhost and verified. It is really frustrating. Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks very much,


4 Replies 4



"additional verification step"....perhaps the key here is that says   "additional"


...what exactly are they asking your for?... are they asking you to verify that it is in fact  YOU that is adding the new payment method, or that the new payment method actually belongs to YOU .... ( i.e. anti fraud/hacker/ verification) 


just wondering..curious as to what they are asking as  "additional"





I tried again a moment ago and followed exactly the same steps - and it worked. Very odd. Sorry to have disturbed you and thanks for your help,


Level 1
Bengaluru, India

Well, I am getting the same error. Not able to understand what is the additional verification step here! 

Can anybody help please?



did u find a solution yet??