Can't find Verified ID Process -- can't find where it!

Level 1
Chicago, IL

Can't find Verified ID Process -- can't find where it!

Hi there, 


I've verified my ID because I want to require guests to do the same. Looking at the help instructions it says I can find this information by doing the following, but I can't find it: 


  1. Go to your Manage Listings page
  2. Click Reservation Requirements in the menu on the left side of your screen
  3. Check the box next to Require guests to go through verification
  4. Click Save Reservation Requirements

I can't find the "Reservation Requirements" section anywhere on the left side of my screen. Was it moved? Help! 



1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm not very clear as to what exactly you want -are you trying to set your minimum verification requirements? If so follow the path below and your will see it -


  • Host (house icon)
  • Your Reservations (4th on the dropdown menu)
  • Reservation Requirements

All the best,
