Can you set "no max" as a trip length limit?

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

Can you set "no max" as a trip length limit?

Hi there,

I'm new to hosting and I am trying to adjust my trip length information.  I had set a max of 4 nights, but I just wondered if it's possible to set no max? I am increasing my minimum stay, so just trying to decide a max. Advice please.  Thanks!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jen-and-Glenn0  I'm not sure why you would want to do that and it's actually a really bad idea for new hosts to take more than a week or two max bookings until they become experienced at vetting prospective guests and the ins and outs of the Airbnb platform, the red flags to be aware of, and how to deal effectively with guests who ignore your house rules. I'd encourage you to spend some time each day or two reading through posts on this forum so you get an overview of what hosts have to deal with on a daily basis.

Also, you should research landlord/tenant laws in your area- in many places, a guest who stays for more than a month would fall under the landlord /tenant act and you could face a lengthy battle to evict them from your home if their behavior was such that you wanted them out.

There are some experienced hosts who successfully take long-term reservations, but I sure wouldn't advise that for new hosts.