Cancellation by host by mistake

Level 1
Burnaby, Canada

Cancellation by host by mistake

The host said that they cancelled by mistake my reservation after a few days of being booked. They said that if I want to stay there that I should rebook it.  When i tried to rebook it but the price went up now by 600 dollars. 

Is there a way they can give original price back? If not what can I do? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Florence, Canada

@Andrea2366 , the dates would be blocked if they accidentally cancelled. You wouldn't be able to just book again without customer service stepping in. And then the price rise? Sounds fishy. This isn't how Airbnb works. I would book with someone else if I were you.  

You do not want to stay with that host. 

If you like, you can contact customer service yourself to let them know what is going on. They may help you find a new place.