Cebu Philippines - Wrong Currency

Cebu Philippines - Wrong Currency

I am a regular business traveller between London and Cebu Philippines.


Recently I started using Airbnb for my accommodation needs instead of a broker in Cebu and it worked great.


I just tried to book an accommodation from the UK, but it is pricing the same accommodation in British Pounds instead id Peso.


Also, the British Pound Prices is very inflated by over 150%. A further cost is for converting the peso into British Pounds to pay Airbnb then back to Peso again. It makes no sense.


Is there a way to pay in peso while booking from London?



5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

No there isn't. However as a business traveller surely you claim this as an expense?

It's my own company that is paying, so I don't want to be chucking money at inflated exchange rates.


The company in Phils is Peso and pays its employees locally. In London its £'s, I prefer to use our in-house exchange rate from £ to Peso. In any case, the AirBnb listings in British £ are wrong, way too high, but are correct when viewed in Peso.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you have a company in the Phillipine's just set up a local profile as a business account.

I have tried it but its pricing in British Pounds.


Since my last post, I discovered that if I log in through our VPN in Cebu and refresh the browser, all the prices are back in Peso.


It seems Airbnb are hiking up prices and giving expensive exchange rates depending on the location of your IP number.

Level 2
New Jersey, United States

Jason, that happened to me a few times with some British and European guests. They were business travelers as well, liked my place because of location in IT Park. We resolved it by just using paypal. Good luck to you.

