Change introduction

Level 1
Hereford, TX

Change introduction

How do I change my introduction to guest on the airbnb site? (I misspelled something)

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You mean the text in your profile ?

Click on your profile photo and choose "profile"

or goto:


scroll down tohalf way the page ( "describe yourself")

Do not forget to save.

Best regards,


Level 1
Hereford, TX

Actually I didn't have that filled out so it was good to find. This is the "intro to the guest" on the opening page of my listing. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I noticed you added some info now into your profile :>)


"intro to the guest":  so you mean the description of the listing ? (text starting with "The "Rose Place," unique, spacious, and homey! etc..." ) This can be edited in the section "title and description" under menu "listing details"


Best regards,


Level 1
Hereford, TX

No, it's under - on home page

Interaction with guests
We and are a phone call away and are happy to help with any of your needs.