Confirmed Reservations I need to cancel

Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Confirmed Reservations I need to cancel

To All, 


I have an issue with my building and we are not allowed to do any more airbnb. I live in Amsterdam, they only want me to rent the place for 6 months or more. 


I do want to abide by that. Yet, I have quite a few confirmed reservations.. 

The first one is a month away.. and then in May and June. 


Will I get penalized for cancelling these reservations? 


Many thanks! 




5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Andrea947 ,

Yes, you will be penalized, read more: What penalties apply if I need to cancel a reservation?

Or contact Airbnb to find a solution: 020-5222333

Best regards, Emiel


Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Thanks Emiel, I will call them as this concerns new regulations for my building it is outside of my control, I hope then can help me. What does lever 10 mean by the way, I see that underneath your name. Thanks. 

Best, Andrea

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hi @Andrea947 ,

Active community members are "rewarded" with a level, from 1 to 10.

So it means i wrote a lot of postings in this community... 

BTW there is also a Dutch Community: Community Center (NL) 

Best, Emiel

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


you should contact Airbnb and ask them to cancel without any penalty for you because it is extenuating circumstance . It is not your fault that you can't accomodate your guests.


Thanks! I let you know what happened! Best, Andrea