Crazy host accuses me of 'being a spy' and admits to recording me, how do i fight back?

Level 2
Glendale, CA

Crazy host accuses me of 'being a spy' and admits to recording me, how do i fight back?

I got a cozy airbnb bedroom in a house shared with the landlord. It's a 1 month stay and this is day 17. Things turned sour this afternoon.


Today my host sent me a series of unsettling texts, first she accuses me of being a spy, and then she said she recorded my activities on camera, she also took pictures of every amazon package that has been delivered to me. On top of that, She took pictures of my coworker's car license plate and said 'her friends' doing background checks on me and my coworker.


I already contacted support and got my half-refund. Meanwhile I'm just wondering if there's anything else I should be doing about it.


I'm very unsettled by the fact that:

1. she claimed to have recorded me

2. she took pictures of my coworker's car license plate

3. she said her friend is running background checks on me and my coworker, if she finds out where I work and decides to start crap, it may cost me my job (just started working there)


and I want to take actions against her.


Would appreicate any advice, thanks.

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