Customers unable to book

Level 1
King's Lynn, United Kingdom

Customers unable to book

I have just had two customers who are unable to book because they cannot upload their profile picture.  I had a pre approval from them which I approved and they still cannot book.  Why is this.  This has happened twice now.


2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If the guest is having a problem uploading a profile photo @Philip1958 then they need to call Airbnb and ask them to help them to resolve the issue.


There are all sorts of reasons guests can't upload a profile - they could perhaps not be very teccie? there could be a problem at Airbnb's end or it could be a bogus profile.


Just suggest the guests contact Airbnb and then you would be happy for them to come back and book.

Level 1
King's Lynn, United Kingdom

Thank you I will tell her to call AirBnb,
