De-listing some over entries for rooms from my site

Level 2
Hay-on-Wye, GB

De-listing some over entries for rooms from my site

Dear Community, I made a bit of a mess of my site when I first tried to set up listings for the rooms in my house. As a result I have some rooms entered twice but I have managed to show those that are doubled up as 'unlisted' for the moment. However when managing my calender I have to be careful not to manage the calender on the wrong (de-listed) entry on my site. I have tried to peramently de-activate the additional (un-needed) entries for the rooms but it will not do so. Any Ideas? I just want to get rid of the superflous listings

All the best Ros

1 Reply 1
Level 4
Medellín, Colombia

The easiest thing to do would to permanently deactive your listing. You can do it by goint go manage listings -> select the listing you want to deactivate -> "Basics" option to the left -> Deactivate this listing (on the bottom). I had done it and it works without issues.