I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi I still have an unresolved case from Christmas eve, when I was discriminated against due to my religion (your people are the reason Christ was crucified), kicked out of my Airbnb, had all my belongs placed outside in the rain (the weather from that day can be verified), was threatened into keeping silent, and hand approx $1000 taken from my reservation even though I never canceled the booking. I have been repeatedly told there would be resolution and there has not. To add insult to injury my review of the host has been deleted while the host's review of me has remained... I am not sure why I was treated so unfairly in this situation but I refuse to be ignored into obsolescence and will not stop messaging until justice is served. If I can not get assistance from AirBnb I will find a way to go public with this case and have documented all of the message exchanges between the host and myself as well as between AirBnb and myself. I have been a loyal host and guest of AirBnb since 2011, have hundreds of reviews and yet AirBnb sided with a host that had zero reviews. It's important to note that the host was on heavy medication at the time of hosting, and it should appear obvious through here messages that she was not stable at the time of the interaction. This was a dangerous situation for me that could have escalated much more than it did. Please, please, please, can someone at AirBnb help me feel like there is some sort of care and consideration for those of us that get treated this unfairly from this platform? Thank You.
Looks bone dry in the pictures.....you said it was wet?
The suitcase in the first picture is in the reflection of the glass window, closed and in an upright picture.
The second picture.... the case is suddenly on the floor and opened up with rolled up socks dramatically placed at jaunty angles.
@Elena87 Yes I opened the suitcase to examine it directly. The zipper was jammed stuck so I wanted to examine my belongings. The socks rolled out the suitcase and my paperwork slid out as well. The suitcase was literally crammed in complete disarray. This after I offered to return to the house and pack my things.
As for the rain, since you don't believe me words, here is the weather report from the web. It clearly shows the 23rd was the second wettest day of the month, and the 24th had residual rain that happened in the morning.
You are correct. I already explained in above message.
So are we saying that charging 12 electric scooters is enough to be kicked out, have your money kept, and your reputation tarnished? Especially on Christmas Eve, and after the scooters had already been moved?
Yes @Aaron383 And you didn't move everything. You left two scooters, all your charging equipment and all your belongings on the hosts premsies.
And why is it relevant that it is Christmas eve?
Talking of which - interesting you had back to back meetings on Christmas Eve. Most businesses are running down then for the holidays not scheduling meetings.
To be clear I am not saying I am absolutely right, nor am I saying the host was absolutely wrong. I am simply saying that her reaction seemed very harsh, and AirBnb's response seemed very one-sided. I've never heard of the side that cancels being awarded the money, and the other side having their review removed. Please read through the entire message thread. Even though I was at meetings, I offered to come back and pack my things. I didn't even protest when she said she wanted me to leave.
She asked Airbnb to cancel the booking due to your behaviour. She did not cancel the booking.
Airbnb agreed that it should be cancelled because YOU broke the T&Cs under which you booked.
As a long standing host you should understand how Airbnb works.
So are we saying that charging 12 electric scooters is enough to be kicked out, have your money kept, and your reputation tarnished? Especially on Christmas Eve, and after the scooters had already been moved?
You were caught STEALING electricity from the Host, I would have also kicked you out as soon as I found you out.
Man up and stop complaining
Approx $2-$4 is what it cost to charge all of the scooters TOTAL, .08-.25 cents each scooter. She kept over $1000 dollars of my money.
P.S. It was not stealing, not even of the $2, since I did not try to hide it in any way, and explained to her exactly when she asked.
Did you read the dialogue between the host and I?
So what you're saying is you would have kicked a guest out on Christmas eve and keep $1000 of their money for using an extra $2 in electricity, even if when you asked the guest about it they told you exactly what they were doing and offered to remove the scooters from the property instantly?
Absolutely @Aaron383 I would have asked Airbnb to cancel your booking if you behaved in such an appalling way.
It is irrelevant how much it cost to charge your scooters for your business, you bought them onto her premises without her permission and charged them without her permission.
Once your booked was cancelled, you refused to come back and collect your stuff claiming you were in 'business meetings', until she had to pack it up for you and put it outside.
If I knew my stuff was being put outside I would have rearranged my business meeting to go back and pack up myself and move it to a safe location. You refused to.
I read your long message trail and it only reinforces my belief that this is completely at your door. You behaved badly and any host would have asked for your booking to be cancelled in these circumstances.\
You were not thrown out because of religious discrimination. The host threw you out because you behaved in appropriately by bringing your business onto her premises and using her electricity to charge your bikes. Her inappropriate religious comment, sounds like an off the cuff comment made out of frustration. Not acceptable, but a red herring in this context.
@Aaron383 I honestly don’t think you have any reason to feel aggrieved here. You took advantage of your host, and you agrevated the problem by refusing to collect your belongings and messaging her when she’d asked you to stop. You didn’t show any empathy to her when you felt it was ok for her to pack up your belongings despite her trying to recover from what sounds like serious surgery.
You strike me me as the sort of person that tries any angle to get your own way. I would have removed you from my property and refused a refund too.
If I were you I’d accept that you behaved badly, send your host a sincere apology, then move on with your life.
That might be part of the OP's problem though, it's much easier for some people to apologise and ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission in the first place.
Unfortunately you seem to have a history of run-ins with host etc. Your messages do not make sense and so it’s hard to believe or trust what you are saying. You don’t seem to understand the boundaries of being a guest or host. That’s unfortunate as it will affect how people view your profile. Even the lengthy posts you provide in support of your claims are at best confusing - and your anger comes across . I’d stand back and try to work through logically and without emotion, learn from that , and move on
You'd have been out of my place faster than a rat through a drainpipe for this type of behaviour. You took advantage and are now paying the penalty. And the religion card? Grief.