Do you think Airbnb's algorithms punish negative comments on these forums?

Level 10
Torquay, United Kingdom

Do you think Airbnb's algorithms punish negative comments on these forums?

I was responding to another thread and this thought suddenly popped into my head. If you're too negative or anti Airbnb on here, do you think their algorithms will 'punish' you in anyway such as making you appear lower in listings etc? Just a thought.

2 Replies 2

@David3267  That would require either a different algorithm to scan through all the texts and somehow rate each user's posts on a positive-negative scale by word flags, or paid staff dedicated to reading carefully through each post, analyzing the content, and reporting each user's track record separately. I have no insider knowledge here, but both scenarios seem extremely unlikely. And anyway, the search algorithm is too complicated to be used for punitive purposes. If Airbnb wants to punish you for something, they'll suspend or de-list you outright.


The one example I can think of that might cause problems is if a host explicitly revealed that they were violating an extra-sensitive policy - such as having secret hidden cameras, conducting criminal activity, or actively practicing racial or sexual discrimination or hate speech. I bet that would result in action being taken against that user's account.

Level 10
Concord, CA

@David3267  I have sent a few criticizing comments in several posts especially on the review system, resolution center, software glitches and lack of features, and lack of support to hosts. My comments were critic but also has suggestions and feedback, which I wish Airbnb support team to read and make improvements.


I have not seen my listings being lowered down in the search ranking.