Drop in Response Rate

Level 2
Xagħra, Malta

Drop in Response Rate

Hi, I am new to Airbnb and i always answered all my reqests promptly. I also have an application on my iPhone which i found to be really good especially to answer on the go. Recently my app seems like having a pending issue but when i go in it there is nothing pending. Now suddenly my response rate dropped drastically from 100% can i send to someone to check out this for me as i fear there is a bug in te system and will ruin my ratings. I Tried to search for some contacts in case of help but this is the only thing available on Airbnb.


Thanks for your time.




3 Replies 3
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Saviour0,


Lovely to meet you and welcome to the Community Center.


I hope you don't mind, but as your question was inside another topic I have moved it and made it into a new thread here in the Community Help board. This will make it easier for others to find and reply. As it is a new topic, I have had to create a new title and so if you would prefer it to say something else please let me know and I will be happy to amend it. 






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Thanks Lizzie,


I just couldn't find the way to start a new conversation in community center. I have noticed that the App on iOS has just been updated on my iPhone but the problem still persists. On the App from outside it shows that there is something pending by marking "1" next to it. When i open Airbnb App, on my dashboard there was never something pending since i did my best to answer to everyone promptly but the response rate keeps going down!!


Can someone from the IT developers check my history to verify i answered to everyone promptly and adjust my response rate! This is certainly a bug. I sent feedback on the App with images attached but didn't recieve anyreply from them yet.


Any suggestions on what should i do. Can i call or send a mail to who is responsible.

Level 1
Newport, United Kingdom

I pre-approved a guest maybe 3 times.....   But this has been declined and timed out..   I notice that the guest hasnt even received my emails.


Worried about my rating status