Fake guest info

Level 2
Amman, Jordan

Fake guest info

Do you think BNB is doing what they should to avoid fake guest names and profile pictures? when I registered as a guest I was asked to confirm my ID by snapshot and a passport copy to double check and confirm my identity, but I keep getting guests with funny names and profile pictures.

Top Answer
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Ziad13  I keep getting guests verified by email and phone number only and profile picture of a flower, cat, batman...

If you (like me) want to know who has a key to your property, you should meet them at arrival and ask them to show you their ID. When they do, write down all their personal info including the number of ID/passport/ driver's licenses.

Just make sure you state this in your house rules as we did.

Not all hosts know this but we are allowed to do that.


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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Austin, TX

@Ziad13   Now that you’ve entered that info, you are allowed to go back into your profile and change all your info to any old thing you like. 

Nothing about guest info is required to bear any resemblance to reality. 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Ziad13  I keep getting guests verified by email and phone number only and profile picture of a flower, cat, batman...

If you (like me) want to know who has a key to your property, you should meet them at arrival and ask them to show you their ID. When they do, write down all their personal info including the number of ID/passport/ driver's licenses.

Just make sure you state this in your house rules as we did.

Not all hosts know this but we are allowed to do that.