False Complaint

False Complaint

Hi All


We have had amazing positive experiences with all our guests with excellent reviews until 1 guest left early and then filed a fasle allegation which we airbnb  contacted us about, they refused to share the exact facts of the complaint other than saying it was serious.  We provided an accurate account supported by messages between both parties, however have had no response and we now are not being shown on airbnb.


We are worried that one guest who just wants their money back has lied and we are not even able to know the details, please help with any advice as we are genuine honest fairly new hosts with 5 star reviews from multiple guests.


Thank You

Amina & Kevin

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I can't offer much help - clearly as you say it must have been a serious complaint, which they are obliged to investigate, and I can understand in some cases why they would remove a listing.


Clearly for you it's a bit of a shock - hopefully once reviewed it will be in your favour. However, no matter what the outcome, you will not be told what the complaints was. 


If it goes against you, then any future bookings would be invalidated, so I would start to think now about other listing sites ...good luck and I hope it's resolved in your favour. 

Level 2
Dallas, TX

yo empieso en Airbnb y tu testimonio me ayuda mucho y me hace recordad una experiencia que tuve con huespedes de a largo termino" Estando la casa rentada  mi esposo viajo a hacer mejoras en la casa y raramente los renters se mostraban molestos. en vez de  estar contentos con las mejoras. y preguntaban a mi esposo varias veces"cuando te vas a ir'  hasta despues cuando se fueron y dejaron la casa me di cuenta que esas actitudes eran banderas rojas que te indican que tienes una personal  desleal. por que cuando se fue dejo muchos gastos que deberia haber pagado y no fue asi. esta gente existe en todos lados. y creo que una de esas te toco a ti. mi sugerencia es que hables un buen rato con ellos y trates de intuir que tipo de persona tienes en el teefono tratando de rentar tu casa, suerte

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hola @Maria3043,


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