Fix the Guest Count! Please!

Level 10
Key West, FL

Fix the Guest Count! Please!

I am so tired of seeing "1 guest" bookings and having several show up unprepared for more than 1 person. 

32 Replies 32

@Susan0 i wonder this all the time...

@Branka-and-Silvia0- exactly! Well put. 

Level 2
Holmesville, OH

I also have had this problem several times. I have decided to message the guest asking them to adjust the number. I explain that I leave bottle water, towels, and baked items based on the number of guests on the booking. I would hate for them to not have enough towels etc.  They’ve all apologized and didn’t realize that only 1 guest was listed. So it would be nice if AirBnB could somehow make that clearer for guests. Thanks for bringing this to AirBnB’s attention.