Fixing check in and check out days

Fixing check in and check out days

Good afternoon, 

Does anyone know how to set the check in days, I can only do check ins on Mondays and Fridays and wish to take bookings for those days, with a minimum 3 night stay - so Mon to Thurs / Fri and Fri-Sun each week.

Does anyone know how to do this please?

I'm completely new to this and have studied lots of the online advice - including Airbnb's own current advice but none of those options are there when you go to look, it's as though the settings have been updated but not the advice?

All help gratefully received!

Thank you in anticipation.

With best wishes, 


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


In section "check-in/ check-out" (menu availibility") you can specify the days guests can NOT check-in/ check-out, so leave Monday and Friday un-ticked for check-in

Hi Emiel1 ,

in Step 3 my options under the “Availability settings” tab are as follows:


How much notice do you need before a guest arrives?

i can choose - 

1 day

2 days

3 days

7 days


When can guests check in?

From:  eg 3pm  To: 6pm

And a range of times from flexible throughout the day.


These are the only choices I have when trying to set up, am I missing something?


Thanks so much for trying, I just don’t seem to have the options others have had when they set up.


with best wishes, 



Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


"Availibility" has several sections, the 3rd one is "Check-in and checkout"

Click on "Edit" and a screen shows up

The green lines at the bottom of that screen give you access to set the check-in/out days:

specifies days of the week when guest can't check-in (or check-out)

I tried to include a screenshot, but they image insert function is not working here.

So i put it here:

Best regards,
