@Pamizz0 Airbnb considers it to be a "Travel Issue," eligible for a refund, if the conditions of the property itself are different from what the listing advertises. This policy does not apply to guests being unhappy with the location, as the host can't do anything to control that.
Airbnb provides location information of a small radius around the listing prior to booking, so you had every opportunity to research the area, view on Google Street View, and determine whether you found it suitable. Additionally, if you were provided an accurate address, there are a wealth of tools available to locate it. It's understandable that you felt inclined to cancel your booking and relocate, but you don't need the host's assistance to do so - you may cancel your booking directly on the Airbnb app, as long as you accept the terms of the host's cancellation policy.
Disliking the location does not entitle you to a refund any more than disliking the weather. The host was not wrong or fraudulent to deny responsibility for your issues; however, it is against the Extortion Policy to threaten a negative review in order to receive an undue refund.