I've just been attempt scammed with a bed bug. By the way, I'm in the UK. It was dead. He actually showed it to me whilst sitting on the bed. If it was true and he'd found it on the bed, do you think he'd still be sitting in it?
Something felt off. They arrived 3 hours late and the guy mumbled an excuse about no signal. They were cold and unfriendly. They were as quiet as mice. I didn't see them after they'd checked in. I'm on the same floor so unusual. They stayed just the one night. In the morning, as they were still so quiet, I checked his reviews and the most recent was absolutely horrendous! I waited. Then it came.
I told him it was impossible. I'd steam cleaned that morning, my bedding is white, etc. Anyway, he said he'd expect me to be much more apologetic. He actually repeated that phrase about 3 times. I told him to leave.
I am a 100% 5 star Superhost. He said my place was bug infested.
I checked his FB and his GF's, and one is a psychology student and he is a physcology (PPE) graduate. Some kind of game eh?