Guest booking for someone else.

Level 2
Cellan, United Kingdom

Guest booking for someone else.

We received a booking and, despite sending several pre-arrival messages to the guest, we received no reply. Then, on the morning of arrival, we received a call from the guest's sister telling us that her sister had booked it for her as a surprise 'small honeymoon'. The visitor (ie the real guest, not the person who booked) didn't have any information about our place other than the address. We were nervous about this but, as it was all at such short notice and she was about to set off on the long drive here, we let the visit go ahead.

We were not all that happy with the visit, as they treated the place more like a hotel than a B&B and broke some of our house rules. Now it comes to feedback time, can anyone advise what feedback we should give, given that it will go on the Airbnb registered persons profile, and not the actual person/s who visited us? The Airbnb registered person has no previous feedback.

16 Replies 16
Level 2
Monterey Park, CA

I received an instant book reservation from a woman. On the day of arrival, a man showed up trying to open my door with the key code that I provided the woman who booked the room. It was a disturbing and confusing moment...!! Fortunately, he could not open the door. I called the Resolution Center. During the course of about an hour and a half talking  to a representative at the resoluntion center (in Southeast Asia),  I told her that I was not comfortable hosting someone who was not the person who booked the room. He said that he did not have an Airbnb account but that someone booked it for him. After asking him many questions, it was obvious that he did not even know the woman who booked the reservation. It was apparently done by a 3rd party in China. He admitted that he had sent me the emails asking for check-in information.... knowing that he was not the person who booked the room ...posing as this woman. He said that she was his friend.... but he didn't know anything about that she was from South America.  It has been a weird experience....The resolution center tried to contact the guest who booked the room (the woman) and after an hour - no response, they cancelled the reservation. No penalty for me. I was credited 2 nights of this reservation. For reasons of safety, Airbnb does not allow the practice of bookings for another person. The man was not happy, nor was I. So, he was hanging out in my backyard until the reservation was cancelled by the resolution center. I gave him a bottle of water and I let him use our bathroom but I did not let him go into my suite event though he said that he was tired from his 14 hour flight from China. The man called Uber and had them take him to a hotel.  I don't like scammers/liars. I also got rid of instant book to have more control over my guests. What a weird and unsettling situtation!! 

Good for you, @Louisa93 .  You took all the right steps!  Good example to hosts that will just allow the third party guest.