Guest money claim,presumably.

Level 2
Costa del Silencio, Spain

Guest money claim,presumably.

Hello everyone.I really need a good assistance now.Maybe someone can  give me good advice.I have never been in such a situation.


1,A young couple,one night reservation.Check in time 7 pm (because our house is close to the airport)

2,Second night booking ,6 days  later ,last day for a holiday ( because our house is close to the airport)

3,At 7 pm I was waiting the couple,but they no show,Im still waiting.Making the dinner for a family and spend the time with the kids.

4,At 9 pm finally they called to my phone.

5,I'm going out the meet them.One big parking place is located about 50 m from our house.I have a all information about the park the car in the neighborhood in the pictures.They had a problem find out the house ,they was already stressed out about long flight,a some problems in airport the collect the rentcar ect. I was kind to them, and tried to make a jokes,offer the tea,I gave information on the surrounding area ect.

5,We have a 6 houses together and we share a parking place with a neighbours.Our car place was vacant ,because I removed before our family car to another street,just because a offer the parking place to them.

6,Couple parked the car.

7,In the morning at 7am , I made a breakfast for them. At 9 am,I took my two children  and drive to school and I went to work.My husband was in home.

8,At 11am was call from my husband.Couple was leaving,but car was not in the paring place any more.

9,My husband was helping the couple,call the car rent company,to police,talk with neighbours.

10,Finally they find out:the someone was make a call to police,police make a call to a car moving company, which was ordered trailer.

11,Same time I was et work and tried to guide my husband and the couple all the time.

12,I made a call to car moving company and find out,the car was removed because car was blocked the another cars.But MY car was same place during the 2 years every night!Company said to me,if the couple want to car back,they must to pay 50 eur for that,and after they must go to local police station and make a papers.Nobody answered my question, who called the police first place.

13,I made a call to couple and explaned the situation.Same time I was so worried about the situation,explaned and supported ect.

14,In the evening at 8pm the couple make a call to me.

15,They told me,they went to car removal company,paid the 50 eur (I was knew it),collect the car,drove to police and police wanted the 100 eur more( a surprise for me) and now they told me, I have to pay for them 150 eur total + airbnb.My one night accomondation for a two person is cost 20 eur ( accomondation +breakfast together).

16,Police 150 eur + 20 eur first night + I must cancel the second night booking they demand.

17, I tried to explain the situation and to sympathize but nothing.They demand money through airbnb ,they said.

18, I tried to contact by messages in airbnb,expain,that I can make e refund 10 eur (half price) because they use the water,bed,accomondation,breakfast ect. and I did a system repayment already,they can recive this money for  my next booking.But I cant cancel the booking for a second night,just please wait 6 days and then ,I gona make a second night refund total 20 eur,after I recive a money from airbnb,because I totaly undestand if they not want  use my house again.

Now my questions:

What I did wrong?Can this couple really make a claim against me?



Top Answer

Bad luck. It is not your fault, not theirs, it is just one unfortunate day. Their car got towed, not your fault, you don't need to be responsible for their towing fee. Sit tight, wait for them to file the formal complain via Airbnb, then you can address. It is just bad luck for them, things happen!


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6 Replies 6

Bad luck. It is not your fault, not theirs, it is just one unfortunate day. Their car got towed, not your fault, you don't need to be responsible for their towing fee. Sit tight, wait for them to file the formal complain via Airbnb, then you can address. It is just bad luck for them, things happen!


Thanks Helen.

Im already did the Airbnb refund 10 eur to them,first thing in the next morning.Its half price first night price ( my one night for two is 20 eur).Yesterday evening I got the message for them,and they made a fefund claim in Airbnb sum 12 eur.Its mean,they wanted,I must pay Airbnb 2 eur fees to them as well.I was accept this claim,so in the through Airbnb they gona get first night money.

Today they cancelled the second night booking through the Airbnb system.I have a strict cancellation policy.Can I ask a question? Now they dont get any money in Airbnb back or jes they are? I already look at the system,and right now I can see cancel booking under they name .I want refund second night money ( 20 eur) of course to them,because I understand ,if they dont want to stay any more.

Im sorry about the questions,but I never had a problems with clients in Airbnb and I do not know what to do.




It is really up to you if you want to refund them the 2nd night. By the agreement and strict cancellation policy, you can keep the money. Are you worried about the bad review? They can't leave a review if they formally cancel the reservation. 

Thaks for replay.

No,I dont worry about bad feedback.I know,myself ,friends,family and my wonderful customers, already ,more than 100 people  know that I am not the bad person.

Of course I will refund the money for the second night,its not mine,never been.

Thank you and Im really appreciate Your support.



Guest still can do a review even if system cancel. Once they check in window allow them 14 days to review host. 

I had bad review from it before guest requests full refund after the stay. But one bad review won’t hurt a good listing! 

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

It's not your problem. They have the responsibility to follow all laws and their mistake does not come from your pocket. They get absolutely no refunds! If you want to talk about it further please feel free to call me. [Personal information] Thanks Sara