Guests not meeting all my booking requirements

Level 1
Victoria, Australia

Guests not meeting all my booking requirements

I have an instant book where where the guest has booked 2 guests but also have a 2 year old child. Should this be 3 guests.

Also we state that not suuitable for children and guest is confirmed. Do I cancel and is there a penalty?

5 Replies 5
Level 2
Charleston, SC

I would never do instant book. I need to see their name know a bit about them and where they are coming from.

Level 10
New York, NY

You say it "may not be" suitable for children.  Since you have instant book on they don't have to message you first to discuss this, and that gives the guest leeway to decide it is suitable for THEIR child.  You could be clearer and say "no children under 12."  If I were you, I would charge for the third person.

Banning children is against ABB anti discrimination commitment and also ahainst US HUD regulations.


One of my houses is not child-proofed and it would be a safety issue to allow children to stay there.  I don't want to violate the commitment, so can you tell me where I could read this?

@Ann72  Airbnb changed it from "Not Suitable"  to  "May not be suitable" a while back.  Legal compliance maybe?

@Noeline1   I noticed there are now fields for Childen 2-12  and under 2. 

Don't cancel,  Call Airbnb, the guests were not forthcoming about who was coming and thus didn't meet your requirements so maybe you will get a pass.  Good luck!

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