Hi Air Family. horrible guest

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Hi Air Family. horrible guest

 if i do not review a guest can they still review me and it gets posted. tobe honest i have a lot to say about it as one of the women - not the woman who booked it i may add was Rotten ! it seems a shame to give the actualgust a bad review when it was her guests...if you follow.

they 'done a 4 in the bed / hotel inspector" on my home and picked fault with anything and everyting - i have never had abad review let alone a degrading one which im sure she will post. for instance she shook the toaster and complained crumbs came out... lucky i not shake her and see her teeth fallout. ! but it was very upsetting and i called her a princess. id rather not review her at all if itmeans she can notreview me - but if she can then i dont want to miss out !

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

First of all, reviews are meant to indicate the experience of both the guest and host during the duration of the stay. They are meant to be informative be it a positive, recommending or negative review and must be based on facts as experienced by each person; reviews should never be based on what the other person might write or controlled by the fear of being reviewed negatively because then it defeats the purpose of writing a genuine review.


Yes the guest will be able to write a review whether or not you write one. You will be able to leave a public response if you feel it is an unjust review. If the review is malicious, then you can ask Airbnb to intervene and they might remove it.


Just one question, when you say it was the guest of the guest , was this person actually booked as a second guest? If so the your review can clearly state that you had no issues with the main guest being XYZ(name)  but the second guest XYZ(name) was a bit of a challenge and then briefly state your observation.


Have a read of some of Airbnb’s review polices/ guidelines via the links below -






Best wishes,



On the few occasions when I feel a guest may have been unhappy about their stay - I usually find them difficult people who bring their personal problems with them in their luggage! I wait to see if they post a review within the 2-week timeframe. If they do not, I have found it better to not leave a critical review for them. We don't have to agree with every guest who comes to stay, or want them as a best friend. I then focus on the positive reviews and the helpful feedback I can use to improve the experience at my home.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands



Technically, this is a 3rd person booking which is not allowed on or insurance covered by Airbnb (unless possibly it was a parent for their child, although even here Airbnb themselves seem to give conflicting and unclear advise, depending on whom one talks to) .

If the booking person did not disclose to you that it was for somebody else, then they did so fraudulently and you would have had the right to contact Airbnb to have them re-located.

If that is the case, then I would note that in the review. Further, I'd not go into a long detailed rant about everything the guest did (just reflects back in a petty way on you as host),

Keep it short, unemotional,  and in professional wording -

Did they not disclose it was for somebody else?

Was the guest challenged in following the House Rules?

Did they expect a 5-star accommodation while paying a 3-star price?

Would they have been better off paying more for a commercial hotel with 24/7 service?


If they leave a negative review for you, you always have the option to publicly react.

Again, take a deep breath, wait till you are over the most heated emotions (public replies cannot be edited!!) and keep it fairly short and professional. And only react to their public review. Too many hosts in the heat of the moment go into a heated reply with minutiae or reply to something that was said in the personal review section only visible to the host. And that draws so much more attention to the negative review. 



A number of hosts seem to think that not writing a review for a bad guest is recommendable. I disagree strongly and feel that to be dishonest to other hosts. We as hosts are a community and how can you expect reviews to give you an idea of what kind of person is seeking to book if hosts are too afraid to say anything?


You can indeed wait till a few hours before reviewing her, don;'t cut it too close in time though, since there have also been a number of reports about Airbnb cutting the 14-day time frame a few hours shorter.


For the future and writing/responding to reviews to negative guest experiences, go ahead and peruse through this community to find a wealth of  tips and advice.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Was the guest registered ?

I would write

" miss X stayed here X nights "

Do not respond to her guest but this warns others then give her thumbs down

when she reviews you you can be factual but not malicious in public response


"the toaster is in use daily and therefore often has fresh crumbs"