Host entered apartment without my consent

Level 1
San Mateo, CA

Host entered apartment without my consent

After numerous attemps to contact my host about no wifi issues, He came into our unit without my consent or me being there


4 Replies 4

@Elaine214 your host should not have entered the area you are renting from him without getting your approval.


Was there something you wanted to ask? Or were you just wanting to tell people what happened?


I was looking for confirmation that this behavior is unacceptable. And you’ve given me just what I wanted to hear. 


Unfortunately I’ve been having issues reaching the host and Airbnb as I’m in New Zealand. Once I’m home in CA I plan to call and disputed this. 


By far worst experience with Airbnb and this isn’t my 2nd time booking. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


You say you attempted to contact them; did you do this succesfully or not? I ask as they may have tried to contact you (but the Wi-Fi issues prevented it).

I'm assuming they entered to fix said Wi-Fi, not just a random visit. That said, it would have been better to contact you before this (if able to).

Also, and somewhat unconnected, you don't have any reviews, so not sure what to make of your last comment.  

I had to purchase data cards to get service here .Going to coffee shops was no longer working .


Yes they obviously came to fix the issue but while I'm not here and no concent doesn't seem right . It's like make service, when I expect them I'll put my valuable away .


Communication shouldn't be 10-12 hours apart during the day .and at times 24 hours between messages. Last one I received was at 11:30pm .


What I meant earlier is this is my second time. So no, I probably have no review. Plus that shouldn't matter.  I'm not the type of person who complains about everything. When i entered the smelly apartment, I aired it out. When I saw the refrigerator had no power we found the fuse and flipped it. But to not be able to get work done as needed. That was an issue.