How can I review this couple?

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

How can I review this couple?

Hi all,


I had a really disgusting situation when a couple checked-out of my place and I am not sure how I should review them. I only met the guy on the first day, he was nice but we didn't interact during the rest of their stay simply because we didn't see each other.

As soon as they left at the checking-out time, I went to the room where they stayed to change the sheets and clean. Everything looked tidy but when I removed the duvet, I found a huge mark of -still wet- human fluids on the sheets. These fluids passed through the sheets to the mattress' protector and even reached the mattress. You can imagine how disgusting this was for me. When I took the sheets out, the mattress protector was totally destroyed and I guess because of the friction. They also left the bathroom all wet and full of mud the two mornings they showered (and I ask guests to take off their shoes when entering the flat).

I feel the situation with the bed was so disrespectful, as I don't even charge for cleaning fees and my rules are basically "please clean after yourself, respect my flat and my belongings in it". I have around 50 experiences hosting, and this never happened to me before. 

How can I review this situation? Any advice is welcomed. 

Thank you.


Top Answer
Level 4
Sacramento, CA

I'm so sorry to hear about this.  I had this happen to me once.  I went right out and got a mattress pad with a plastic backing so that it wouldn't happen again, but it was so disgusting to have to clean my mattress of human fluids.  I agree with Yadira, but I would advise the couple in the private message that they offended you and abused your hospitality.  Start charging cleaning fees with EVERY visit to protect yourself.  I post my house rules in my listing and also in a House Manual that my guests MUST read through at the beginning of their stay.  I bury the Wi-Fi info in it, so they are forced to read it through. 

Most importantly, don't be discouraged.  9 times out of 10 you will have amazing guests.  They make it all worthwhile!

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3 Replies 3
Level 2
Prague, Czech Republic

Jediná možnost je zmínit se o tom v hodnocení hostů

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Rosa570 

i am so sorry to hear this- sounds like a nightmare. 


Review truthfully but in an emotion-free manner...


xxx stayed with us for xxx days. I wish them luck but do not recommend them as guests and suggest they use commercial hotels only. Thank you.


There is no need to go into too much detail or specifics.


I would also suggest you add a cleaning fee- most guests leave the space in a clean state but there is a saying in my country... what costs, has more value.

This would also help cover your time as well as any professional cleaning needed, etc. 


Good luck to you.



Level 4
Sacramento, CA

I'm so sorry to hear about this.  I had this happen to me once.  I went right out and got a mattress pad with a plastic backing so that it wouldn't happen again, but it was so disgusting to have to clean my mattress of human fluids.  I agree with Yadira, but I would advise the couple in the private message that they offended you and abused your hospitality.  Start charging cleaning fees with EVERY visit to protect yourself.  I post my house rules in my listing and also in a House Manual that my guests MUST read through at the beginning of their stay.  I bury the Wi-Fi info in it, so they are forced to read it through. 

Most importantly, don't be discouraged.  9 times out of 10 you will have amazing guests.  They make it all worthwhile!