How can we cancel with no penalties?

Level 1
Munich, Germany

How can we cancel with no penalties?

Hallo! I m in big trouble.My guest and me want to cancel s booking for two month.But if I cancel all the two months will stay blocked. He says he also has to pay somerhing, if he s cancelling. How can we cancel without punishment?



*title updated

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Eva226,


If the cancellation is because of  an issue on either your side or the guest's, that person should cancel. If it is completely mutual, if the guest cancels they will still have to pay the first month's rent (as explained in the long term cancellation policy) but you could then agree to refund them that money through the Resolution center


Just to let you know, I have moved your post here to a new thread so that it doesn't get lost in another discussion and it is easier to find. I have also given it a title, please let me know if you want to change it!


In case you're not sure how to start a new thread - this CC Tutorial gives a step by step guide to starting a conversation in the Community Centre.

