How do I deal with a guest who violated the house rules.

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

How do I deal with a guest who violated the house rules.

hi this was my first time hosting and I came home to find out that my guest had violating the no smoking house rule and she also got a huge stain on my chair and I feel very disrespected because she went out of the way to move my children's things around and she even took down my kids bathroom decor and putting all of those items under the bathroom sink.. She also spilled wine in my fridge and took down some of my husbands pictures and books which I know weren't in the way. She left the light and the air conditioner on as well. I also think she lied saying she was visiting family when she is actually from this state. I have suspicion that she had more guests over and maybe even a party. What can I say in the resolution center for her to understand the reasoning for my payment request? My kids are never around cigarette smoke and now their bathroom smells like it. Idk what I need to do next.
Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Your listing does say smoking allowed; must have been a mistake but it does mean you can't take your guest to task about it.

On a separate note; it sounds like you're renting a very cluttered space. I'd think about it from a guests perspective and maybe try to move a few things out of the way so that your guest can relax in their rental while they're there.

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6 Replies 6
Level 1
Kailua, HI

If you charged a security deposit you should let Airbnb know not to return it. Photos of the damage will help your case. Hopefully, you didn't clean up before you took photos of how your place was left by the renter. Even still, at a minimum, Airbnb should not allow her to rent from other hosts without your complaint about her violations of your house rules.
Level 3
Los Angeles, CA



Just a note, I noticed your listing states Smoking Allowed. Not sure if that is a mistake.


Thanks for your responses. I did go back and look at the listing and it was a mistake about the smoking rule. I only wanted to allow smoking outside. It's very unfortunate because now my apartment reeks of cigarettes. It's gonna be a while before it gets better. Also the things she moved were not in the way. it seemed as if she didn't want to show that there are children living in here. I believe she used my place to conduct business.
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Your listing does say smoking allowed; must have been a mistake but it does mean you can't take your guest to task about it.

On a separate note; it sounds like you're renting a very cluttered space. I'd think about it from a guests perspective and maybe try to move a few things out of the way so that your guest can relax in their rental while they're there.
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi...unfortunately you are going to find it very difficult to claim against the deposit as you say smoking allowed. So, the guest smoked. 

Mark it up to experience and check your description and house rules.


As for moving items - I don't think AirBnB will give you anything for that.


You can however leave a review of the guest - but be careful about the smoking issue as you can't claim she broke your house rules with that. Suspicions about a party, additonal guests, lying are all unproven - so....don;t get yourself into a situation where you are seen as the problem.


This was your first time hosting and I am pretty sure you will find future guests great - it was an unfortunate start that;s all

Air b and b do nothing to assist i had chinese guests who violated all house rules smoked in bedroom showered t 12 40  at night . cooked as late as 11 pm  i could not get ant assistance from the site i asked them to vacate ..... bedroom a mess full of food ...air b and b take our money and provide no assistance   do not even respond to a call.