How do I decline a reservation request, AFTER I accepted it but BEFORE the reservation is finalized?

Level 2
Austin, TX

How do I decline a reservation request, AFTER I accepted it but BEFORE the reservation is finalized?

Has anyone found a way to do this?  It isn't covered in the help center.  I accepted a request, but now the individual is saying he has no money and cannot pay.  I don't want to wait 24 hours for the request to die off on its own ... help!  Thanks!


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

This is a strange one that someone would book, provide payment details then tell you they don't have the money.


If they have confirmed this through BnB messaging. Give BNB a call and ask if they can cancel the booking. Don't do this yourself or you will be penalised.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Just ask the guest to please remove the request.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Weird - 24hours and your calendar will be free if their payment is not accepted. Be careful that they are just not trying to get you to cancel on their behalf which would incur penalties. It's up to them to tell Airbnb they want to cancel, not you...

This is called "cancelling".  However it is not your situation to cancel as a host.  The guest must cancel the reservation and work out any details about payment with Airbnb - not you.  Under no circumstance should you cancel the reservation.  If you get an email that says "are you okay with cancelling" say "no" because this is actually asking you if YOU want to cancel (you do not - you want to get paid so the guest must cancel and pay the penalties not you).  

Tell the guest that since the acceptance has already been processed, if they cannot make the commitment to the reservation, they need to cancel.