How do I edit a rental amount for a specific Holiday where my rates are higher? It will not let me.

Level 1
Hanover, PA

How do I edit a rental amount for a specific Holiday where my rates are higher? It will not let me.

How do I edit a rental $ amount for a specific Holiday where my rates are higher? The system will not let me.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Sg0,


I'm not sure what you've already tried. Some suggestions ...


If someone has already booked those dates you won't be able to change the price by selecting the dates on your calendar.

In that case you'll have to go to "Host", "Your reservations", find the reservation and request athe guest to agree to the price change by clicking on "Change or cancel".


If no one has yet booked the dates have you tried the following?

Go to your calendar and click on "Manage listings" in the top right hand corner. Then select "Pricing". Then select "Edit" in the "Discounts" section and scroll down to set a custom weekly or monthly price.


You should also be able to go to your calendar and select the first date of a range. Then, in the window on the right select the start and end dates and set the price. Remember to click on "Save changes".



Thanks, I will give that a try!

Level 1
Sydney, Australia

Thanks @Steve143! This was so helpful! 🙂


This does not seem to be accurate today... can someone verify for me that this post above is still accurate? I am trying to set special pricing for the Christmas Holiday but I do not see the options mentioned in this post.  All I see is "Pricing Settings" which just takes me back to where they want me to allow "Smart Pricing". @Steve143 @Steve143 

Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @William654 

Unfortunately I don't know how the pricing settings work at the moment  as I haven't hosted on Airbnb for two years.
