How do I get a condo form filled out and signed by a renter before arrival?

How do I get a condo form filled out and signed by a renter before arrival?

My condo association requires all potential renters to fill out a one page appllication before they will be approved to stay at my condo. They charge a $50 application fee which I pay.  Is there any way to attach forms and email them over the Airbnb site?  How can I email or mail forms when all emails, phone numbers and addressses are blocked?  Has anyone run into this and if so how did you work around it?





2 Replies 2
Level 10
Miami, FL

@Anonymous You can't e-mail using the site, but hosts have reported success sending e-mail attachments using the anonymized e-mail address for the guest provided on the reservation.

Level 10
Brunswick, Australia

Hi @Anonymous,


@Ed-and-Hugh0 is correct!  Once you have a confirmed Reservation with a Guest you should receive email and phone contact options to reach them directly as needed. That'll allow you to send any additional information (attachments etc) to Guests as needed.


Do your best to keep things on platform where you can though as it ensures Airbnb can 'see' what is going on should there be a hiccup.





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