How do I write more than 500 characters for the description of my listing?
I see that other hosts have put a lot more than 500 characters when describing their listing so potentials guests can read it when they come across their listings.
When I try to describe my listing, it limits me to ONLY 500 characters and I can hardly describe it in such few words.
How do I write more than 500 characters for the description of my listing?
Thank you ALice and Jeff! I didn't know to look for the DEtail Description option. That was very helpful and I fixed the problem. Thank you!! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
I just ran into the same problem. I'm guessing you have to "publish" the listing and come back to find the "detailed description" section. There are other aspects and details it seems you can't set up in the initial walk through on the website. The preview also doesn't seem to show the listing, just something that looks like a phone app view which you can't really review. Not a great experience this time around. I listed and rented a property for years with Airbnb and my previous experience was better.