How do we add wheel chair accessability (and Pay TV) to our listing

Level 1
Canberra, Australia

How do we add wheel chair accessability (and Pay TV) to our listing

We are setting up a new listing. We can find anywhere to add wheel chair accessability and pay tv to the listing. Can someone please help?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Bridget31  When you set up the amenities, wheelchair accessible is under special features, however, please read the explanation of what is meant by that designation.  It doesn't just mean a wheelchair can fit through your door or there are no steps.  It means that your place meets the US ADA criteria.  Many travelers have been mislead by this designation due to host ignorance of the designation.  As to pay tv, I am not clear what you mean by that.  The listed amenities are searchable criteria, but if you have something extra, you can describe it in your listing description.  Good luck with posting your listing.

Thank you for your response. I should have provided more details. We are listing in Australia. The apartment that we are renting out has to meet wheel chair accessability by law.  Also, we have pay satelite TV rather than cable TV in addition to a large number of free to air TV channels. Unfortunately, on the Australian AirBnB site we have not been able to find any options for special features or additional TV service.


Again, thank you for the information provided.