Payment Method

Level 2
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Payment Method

Hi there...


I just put new payment method (new bank account), and status of that method is "NEW", while two another method, old ones, are with "READY" status.., so is there anyone who can explain to me what it means "NEW", because I can not put that new method anywhere, when i choose to put method,only old ones are available, not the new one?


Thanks in advance... 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

You'll need to wait several days for  Airbnb to verify the new bank account.  They will deposits a couple cents to it and after you confirm those deposits, it will be ready to use.

Level 1
Mexico City, Mexico

In payout methods Im following the complete process of adding my Mexican bankaccount, but an error occurs over and over again. After trying it with another acount of a housemate, the same error occurs. 

I follow the same process as explaned here