How long should I wait for a guest review before it expires and is it ok to send a reminder?

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

How long should I wait for a guest review before it expires and is it ok to send a reminder?


my guest has checked out a few days ago but did not leave a review yet. he messaged me thanking me and saying that they loved the place and had a good time. Is it ok to message the guest to remikknd him that a review would be appreciated? I have just started renting my place and i would like to build up some good reviews! Any suggestions? thanks!

Top Answer


All of my guests to date have been kind enough to leave me reviews - I only host 3~4 guests per year so I do mention during their stay that each and every guest review to me is important so I'd really appreciate if they leave me a review. I usually wait about 1 week after check out. If the guest has not left me a review by then, I send a short message along the lines of....... hope you got home safe and sound, thank you again for staying with us and being such a great guest, we enjoyed being your hosts. We know you will be busy catching up with family and friends but there is only about 6~7 days remaining until guests are able to leave reviews for hosts so we'd really appreciate if you could take a couple mins to leave us a review within the next couple days before time runs out. 

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Thank you for your answer! If they never publish a review, will my review of them ever be published? Do you know?

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Deborah527 yes it will be, 14 days after check out. 

Thanks so much!  I hate to do it and then have her post an answer that will be nasty, but I guess that is the way it works.  She really should be called on it.


Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Deborah527 she is not able to leave an answer. Maybe read a bit about Airbnb reviews. Only hosts can leave a public answer to a review and after the 14 day period is over she can't leave a review on your place. 

OK, thank you so much.  I will read up; this was only my first weekend and I'm not quite up to speed yet.  I appreciate the schooling!

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Deborah527 good luck!