How many hosts and in what regions have had problems with prostitutes, Johns, pimps, or traffickers?

How many hosts and in what regions have had problems with prostitutes, Johns, pimps, or traffickers?

Please comment here if you have had problems in the last 6 months with prostitutes, Johns, pimps or traffickers booking your airbnb listing?  Let’s help airbnb know where the problems are, so that they can help create a support feature that helps with hosts in dangerous situations.  I spoke with a safety case manager who is looking into setting up a support hotline specifically for hosts in these kinds of situations - so that you can get a specifically trained case manager to help you when it happens.  Please comment here if you are a host and have had a problem in the last six months - and I will consolidate the ideas to give to the case manager to approach the support leaders with a solution. Write down your ideas for what airbnb could provide via a support hotline in order to help.  Also, any other ideas you might have.

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