How to Update Calendar?

How to Update Calendar?

Hi,  does anyone know how to update the calendar , I cannot find how to anywhere. I have tried visiting the listing, even blocking a date here or there on the calendar to see if it automatically updates and still it says last update August. I cannot see a button to click for manual update anywhere.

Thank you!

Edit: I am using Computer, Firefox Browser

18 Replies 18
Level 2
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Have u tried doing it on a computer? Asduming u did it on your phone?

Hi @Nuwan2  I did it on my computer, firefox browser!

Level 10
Prescott, AZ

there is a "save" button somewhere in theer when you update the calendar. easy to overlook, maybe that is what happened?

@Annette33   Thank you!  But still no joy. I saved changes and the calendar still does not update. Maybe there is a glitch.

I can't enter anything on the calendar at all, it just freezes and won't let me. The website is so difficult to use and there is no way to contact airbnb that I can find at all.


Me too! Already few weeks cannot acces to calendar&update via web app, also transaction history...what is happening?!

You can’t pre-approve this guest because these dates aren’t available on your calendar.


So how do i change the calendar and make it availeble ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Level 1
Marseillan, France

There is a fault here, I have updated dates on my Calendar also, but still showing as last updated in August AIRBNB Staff, please investigate.


Level 4
Ubud, ID

I'm also interested in this and want to know what, exactly, 'Last Updated' means?


i.e. under 'Your Listings', where this is shown, there's no clear indication that it refers to the calendar being updated.


In my opinion, if you have 'done something'... anything... on your listing, it proves that you're maintaining it - whether you add a photo, change some text or update the calendar etc.  


So yesterday I made a change to our guidebook, but the updated date has not changed.

Seems a bit pointless trying to update anything else... given the comments from you guys.


Hope Airbnb can shed some light on this?

Chris G at Airbnb just explained that there are TWO places where 'last updated' dates can be found and that they can show different dates - because there are two different definitions of 'last updated', depending on where you are looking.


He said, "When a guest is looking at your calendar and selects the check-in or check-out dates, there is a message at the bottom of the calendar that says when it was last updated... that "update" is referring to the last time you viewed or edited your listing description. Anytime you go to the Manage Listing page of a specific listing, it will change that to say "updated today." Just by viewing that page, it will be "updated."

This tool is in place to help guests know that their hosts have an up to date calendar and haven't been away from their computer for long periods of times.


When I explained that I was referring to the last updated date under the heading 'Your Listings', which showed a different date from what the guests see, he then said:


"I can certainly understand the confusion when they both say different dates. This is because one is guest-facing and one is host-facing. As we discussed, the "last updated" message appears on your listing to guests to let them know that the host is an active user and hasn't been away from their computer for long period of times. It updates anytime a host views the calendar.

The "last updated" message under Manage Listings refers to the last time you made changes to that listing. If you added a comment to the listing description, changed your Instant Book settings, or updated your pricing on a specific listing, it would "update."


I found his answer to be very helpful - I hope it helps you too.


Thank you! That was exactly what I was looking for!!! So I jsut have to go to my website daily ans supposedly it will say it was updated today or recently. PERFECT! I was already doing that!

Thank you for doing such a great job explaining it to us

Level 1
Pleudihen-sur-Rance, France

Hi Pasek,

I have  been tryong to work out how to make the calendar show that it is up to date. I have 3 listings. All have had either new bookings made in recent weeks or I have marked dates as booked and then later remarked then as available. I have also changed the descriptions for all 3 the listings within the last few days. Yet my listings,

1) when on the 'Your Listings' screen, show as being last updated on the 8th and 12th of January. 

2) on the 'guest facing' page  below the calendar show as being updated sometime within the last few days (1day, 4days, 6days respectively) yet I make changes to the calendar on all 3 listings every day, including today.


Do you know why this might be, as according to your explanation from Chris G below, they should be reading as recently updated for the host-facing pge and have todays's date on the guest-facing calendar screen.



Kate **

Level 1
Pleudihen-sur-Rance, France

Hi again Pasek,

I have just been back onto the system and made several changes to my listings rather than just the one-line Listing name in the Desciptionarea. Once I changed photos and the Summary area of the Description the update date shows correctly as Today's date. Bizarely the update date on the calendar is now also showing correctly. So it seems more than the one line Listing name must be changed, and maybe there is a link between the update dates on the guest-facing calendar and host-facing listing pages.




Level 2
Dunstable, United Kingdom

HI, I am a brand new host, listed my property last night, so it won’t show up for 24 hours, I’m trying to block out some dates in the calendar as I already have a few bookings made previously.  Can someone explain how to do this please?

Thank you in advance
