How to recoup costs from guest damages- strategies & tips

Level 10
Silver Spring, MD

How to recoup costs from guest damages- strategies & tips

Hi, recently we hosted a guest who damaged the flooring, a comforter and table during her 3 month stay.  I noticed damages immediately after her check out.  Since we service the apartment by providing every other week cleanings we were able to connect the damages to this particular guest.  Here's what went down.

I messaged the guest and sent her photos of the damages and asked her if she knew how that may have happened and requested payment for damages.  I researched the lowest costs to get the repairs made and let her know what the amounts were.  She acknowledged and agreed to pay for the flooring and blanket damages but was disputing the table damages.  I had photos and she had no evidence to dispute table top damage.  But I figured it wasn't worth the hassle to argue over the table top damages.  It helped to have a positive enough relationship with the guest.  She even gave us a 5 star review!

What I did was I opened a claim for the flooring and comforter but did not press on reimbursement on the table top.  She paid us for the flooring and comforter.   I knew that if I tried to have Airbnb "mediate" under their "Air Cover" it would be a waste of time and energy.  The more you can keep the claims out of Airbnb  "mediation" the better off you will be.  Airbnb sides with guest not hosts and you most likely won't get an Airbnb "mediation" decision that is found in your favor.

Lesson learned and shared- it's best to check on your rental throughout the course of long stays and take photos on key areas or items that could potentially get damaged before check ins, especially those that are higher tickets items or difficult to replace.  Contact guests immediately when you notice damages, take and share photos.  If you find the lowest cost options to repair or replace guests may be more likely to concede if you can get them to own up to their responsibility in causing damages.  If you can get guest agreement prior to opening a claim it's for the best, the more likely they will follow through and pay for damages after your claim is submitted.


Does anyone else have any ideas they'd like to share that worked for them in recouping money to restore their rental?  Please share!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Silver Spring, MD

damages, reimbursement, Air Cover,  long-term stay,