I can't turn off instant book

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

I can't turn off instant book

I can't turn off instant book! There is a glitch. Every time I go through the process and think it's done it clearly hasn't as someone is able to book without my approval. I had someone email me with questions yesterday and it came up with an option for me to pre approve or decline so I thought 'good it's worked this time' and when I replied to their question I then got a notification that they had booked without me pre approving!! It's frustrating as it's going to affect my rating now when I 'cancel'. The booking is for a whole month in Jan and it's too long just after Christmas 

4 Replies 4
Level 1
London, United Kingdom

When turning it off I get asked by Airbnb for a reason why. When I try to select a reason there is no place for me to enter 'done' or 'finish' and so it just doesn't complete the process. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Sarah


Sounds like you will need to give Airbnb a call.

Level 2
Trie-Château, France



I have Instant Book turned off because we have had too many double-booking issues - mostly that Airbnb servers are far too slow in updating with our Elloha management system (Booking.com and others are almost instantaneous whereas Airbnb takes 30 mins or more). 


However, periodically Airbnb will just accept a booking request with no prior notice or validation whatsover. It happened to us again last night - 3rd time now. 


Airbnb customer services admitted that there must have been a technical glitch that 'temporarily' turned on Instant Book - its not good enough. We don't have recurrent technical glitches in our settings on other platforms. 

Level 1
Parkdale, Australia

Where can you turn off instant book because I thought it was already turned off but still get bookings on dates I have crossed out???