I have a minimum of 4 nights requirements and guests are able to book 3 nights !!!!

Level 2
Santos, Brazil

I have a minimum of 4 nights requirements and guests are able to book 3 nights !!!!

Hi Guys,p

I have a listing in London, superhost, plus with instant booking and recently I started to receive inquiries for 3 nights stays, I thought it was odd, I declined and told the guest that was probably a glitch on Airbnb platform. Also called Airbnd and I was told to rest assured the guest wouldn't be able to book anyway. I have checked my settings and the minimum  4 nights was, there were no other additional trip requirements are set which I have used in the past.


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The next day an instant booking came for 3 nights. I pick up the phone straight away to Airbnb and I was told it was a mistake/glitch. I have asked Airbnb to either cancel the reservation or agree to payout an additional night and keep the reservation. They agree with the last option.
Today, I receive a message from Airbnb support saying that I did have an additional trip requirement in the past for 3 night (which is true and I was deleted ages ago) but for some reason is still "valid" on their platform.
If I do a search right now for 3 night my listing still appears. 
Has anyone seen this before? 
Any suggestions would be really appreciated as Airbnb support has no idea on how to fix this. 
1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Maybe you set a 3 night min stay in certain periods or create a ruleset for this purpose, which is still active ? I simulated some bookings on your listing, but they all require a min. stay of 4 nights. Or it is because the listing is an Airbnb "plus" accomodation, where "plus" means "unpredictable results can be expected" :>)

Best regards,
