I need to contact airbnb

I need to contact airbnb

Can anyone helpwith contacting airbnb in Cape Town.

I have just recieved a confirmed booking that is not the price i have listed. Very frustrated as it seems i cannot contact anyone to ask a few questions. Try to send an e-mail and they are asking me to include some link, what do they mean? Please help me.

2 Replies 2

Hi I'm trying to contact Airbnb and it's been impossible. 

I have an issue with a person that sent me an enquire if my room was available for a period of time in August. The room was available and I pre approved it.  She wanted for a regular stay few days every week, so desist to stay. A that time, I told her that she should cancel the reservation with Airbnb, just in case she had any charge. 

A month later she is asking me for a refund. I wasnt able to contact Airbnb, because I havent receive any payment from that reservation . 

I want to know what to do with this situation.

Thank in advance for your help.


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Jenny302 @Paula357


Welcome to the Community Center!


I'm so sorry to hear about this. I had a look at the Community Center and could find a very helpful 'How to contact Airbnb' guide. Perhaps it may be worth having a look into this? 


Let me know how it goes.  



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