In a pace where I can only rent for 30 days or more: how do I restrict this in the Calendar feature?

In a pace where I can only rent for 30 days or more: how do I restrict this in the Calendar feature?

Hello Community!

I am new to this service and just bought a place in a community where I can only rent for 30 days or more. 

Is there a way that I can use the Calendar here to restrict bookings to 30-days or more? 

In my listing I clearly state that I can only host monthly or seasonal stays, but the visitors for some reason do not seem to see or understand this. 

Thank you for your help!


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You need to set your minimum stay option to 30 nights.

It is advised to also set a maximum stay

Please note stays of 4 weeks and longer always have the "long term stay" cancellation policy attached, overruling the policy you have manually set


