Instant booking cancellation

Level 1
New South Wales, Australia

Instant booking cancellation

Before I knew about instant booking, someone booked my room before I could confirm. I had to cancel their booking because I agreed to let someone else stay during those dates. However, the cancelled dates are not available on the room calendar for the new bookee. How do I change the cancelled dates so they are not still listed under the cancelled guest? 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Stevensville, MI

@Shelby8 Thats the bad part of instant booking. You can not unblock those dates. That is one of the punshiments from ABNB you get for canceling . 

Level 1
New South Wales, Australia

Thanks for replying, okay, is it possible for me to still have someone stay those dates?

Sometimes I REALLY wish this board had a FAQ.


You can call AirBnB and plead your case to see if they will remove the block. If they do not remove the block those dates will remain unavailable for booking through AirBnB.


If the person you agreed to let stay did not use AirBnB to find your listing, ie: they are a friend or someone who responded to an ad that you ran outside of AirBnB, AFAIK there is nothing in AirBnB's TOS that would prevent you from renting to the person directly, or through another platform.

Level 1
New South Wales, Australia

Thanks Scott and Brian, I will look into that!