Is it possible to distinguish the prices between guests?

Level 1
Montevideo, Uruguay

Is it possible to distinguish the prices between guests?

My intention is to receive one guest and to leave open the possibility to receive another one on a couch I have, but I don´t want to charge double for that. For example 30 usd if it is only one and 35 usd if they are two. Is it possible to distinguish the prices between guests?

Thank you a lot from Uruguay!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

 Are you a co-host, @Agustina-Y-Claudio0?  I do not see a listing on your profile.  If you would like a more in-depth respond you could provide a link to the listing.


If I understand your posting question, it is possible to make a separate listing for the couch.  This way the guest could opt to use both the bedroom and the couch.  Your couch listing would be the price you would charge for use of the couch.  Alternatively, you could just state that if both the bed and the couch are used there is an extra fee of XX.  You can request the extra fee on the reservation option "send or request money"


Hope this helps!