Long Term v's Short Term - Rejuggling the account

Long Term v's Short Term - Rejuggling the account

Hi Teamsters!

I have a prospective booking for 4 weeks prior to xmas.  I can offer this one person a discount - should they stay in the smaller of the two rooms I have listed for a discount - but.....  when they book it my listing is full.  How can I offer this person a room at a discount and also keep the other room free for couples who are travelling through?  Or am I just too Greedy! lol - trying to be an business person here....

4 Replies 4
Level 2
Moscow, Russia

Hello, Samantha! 

If I understand right, you have one listing now for your apartment. YOu can make two separated listings for your rooms. 

Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France



In your situation, to be really busy with your two bedrooms flat, you could use 3 listings : 

 - one listing for room number 1

 - one listing for room number 2

 - one listing for the entire place. 


This will allow guests to book one room or the entire place.


Of course you will have to update your calendars regularly to show that the entire place is not available every time one of both room is booked. 


Hope this helps you make the most of what you got. 

Level 2
Trinity Beach, AU

Hi Samantha

im a little unsure whether you have 2 rooms listed on Airbnb or just the one?

It sounds like your prospective guest has inquired on the larger room though, and you'd like to offer the smaller room is that right?

If you only have the large room on Airbnb I'd quickly set up the small room, photos etc and direct the guest to book that one (and decline the original booking request).

let us know how you get on:)



Level 10
Como, CO

You need two listings, your current one is confusing.
