Long term cancellation requesting full refund

Long term cancellation requesting full refund

I have a guest who reserved my property for 2 months. June & July
She reserved on February, then on March she started asking questions about the apartment, I answered all of them and then she disappeared again.
Now she said that her internship was canceled and she expects a full refund.
I turned down other offers because I was committed to her. Should I provide a full refund anyway? 
My cancellation policy is strict.
What should i do?
1 Reply 1

She will be held to the Long Term Reservation Cancellation policy, not the strict policy. 


"If a guest cancels a long-term reservation before the check-in date, the first scheduled payment is paid to the host in full, and the guest is refunded the remaining amount."


You do not need to refund her any more than that.  However, most hosts would tell you that you might consider negotiating a refund in good faith of additional money if you can rebook any part of her stay.  It's good karma.