Long term guest wants to post stuff to my home in advance of stay

Level 3
Newport, United Kingdom

Long term guest wants to post stuff to my home in advance of stay

Had a booking for a three week stay commencing early September from a young couple from China. Few but good reviews. Had a message earlier asking if they could get my address to send stuff to our place in advance of the stay. Not clear what but I presume heavy/bulky stuff they don't want to pack and bring on the flight.


I think not. I'm curious what it is but don't want to ask to give them hope and be convinced.


So, I think no, even when they are here.



5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I regurarly host persons (mostly students) from Asia region and it is not uncommon they sent heavy lugage separate. It is extremely cheap for them compared to bring it on the flight (they told me it travels with ships and takes some time to arrive). They also do it the other way round. But i never experienced it arrived BEFORE they checked in.  And i would not allow it to arrive (far) in advance. And if it does, it mostly can be stored at the transport company and they can pick it up themself or arrange delivery.

Best regards,


Level 3
Newport, United Kingdom

I see - that makes  some sense. So, they arrive at yours, then send instruction to home to send luggage to your address? That I could live with, but are they likely to be asking for the address now? They arrive in ten days (I give my exact address and directions only 24 before each booking starts), if they are, as you suggest considering sending stuff on ahead via ship, surely they would need to dispatch it now? They are staying for 21 days, so by the  time they arrive, then request it be sent, surely it will arrive to late to be of much use?

Level 4
Ontario, Canada

Here in Canada we can have parcels mailed to a specific post office to be picked up. Maybe that's an option where you are? 

Hi @Kimberly419 , no, not in the UK unfortunately, it will be held at the sorting office if a delivery attempt was made and no-one was in, but stuff cannot be sent that way directly. Be great if it could be!

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

It's a normal practice someone to travel on very long distances separately from his luggage.