Money Transfer

Level 1
Sliač, Slovakia

Money Transfer

Hello guys, I have one question, I booked a place in Amsterdam 2 days ago, but my request was declined by the host. The price was 150€ + I got 15€ extra credit due to that cancellation, so then I chose a place for 99€, which was paid using that credit (165€ - 99€ = 66€)

So I should still have my 66€ somewhere, right ? And how could I transfer it back to my account ?

Thanks a lot for any info



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Michal19,


I'm a little bit confused. You say the host declined the request but later call it a cancellation.


Did the host first accept the request and later cancel the booking? If so then yes, you've been charged the €150.

If you sent a reservation request but the host responded with "Decline" then you haven't been charged the €150.


If you were charged the €150 then you should be refunded the accommodation charge part of the €150.

You won't be refunded the Airbnb fees or any taxes. For example if the total you were charged was €150 and Airbnb fees of €10 were part of that then you should be refunded €140.

The €15 dredit won't be transferred to your bank account. You never get the credit as real money in your bank account. It stays as a credit in the Airbnb system for you to use the next time you make a qualifying booking.


So in my example I think you should see something like €41 put into your account. That is €140-€99. The €15 credit stays in your Airbnb account.


Hope this helps.

