Multiple questions

Level 1
Keene Valley, NY

Multiple questions

Hello folks, 

I am just starting out with Air bnb and it has been a a bit frustrating.  I have my first rental of my home, airbnb has charged the client all but the deposit and I havent seen any of the money.  Do they hold it for a certain amount of time?


Also, I would like to send a rental agreement, is there a way to do that through airbnb?


Is there a customer service number?

3 Replies 3
Level 4
Victoria, Australia

Hi Angie,

Air BnB will release the funds to you the day after your guest arrives. They will only deduct the security deposit if you make a claim on it (ie: your guest damages the your property). In my opinion a rental agreement is not in the spirit of air BnB. It's also possible that the terms of your agreement may contradict the air BnB terms. You can't send attachments via the air BnB messaging platform, you'd need to email or drop box it. Good luck!


Level 1
Manchester, United Kingdom

You get paid 24 hours after they check in,  you could get their email address and post to them or add it to ur photos on your site xx

Level 6
Minneapolis, MN

I use a rental agreement only when I'm renting longer-term on my own. But many hosts include specific terms from their standard rental agreements in their House Rules on Airbnb. Airbnb requires guests to read and promise to adhere to those rules, so if there's anything not in the standard terms of service that is specific to your rental or location, make sure you include them there.


Since you're new, I'd recommend reading through a lot of the help for hosts that Airbnb has available on its website. In particular, understanding the terms under which you are offering your home and all the details of payment is very important.